Recognize That God is All in All

I love looking at moving water.  The essence of water is unchanged, whether it’s in the ocean, a separate pool or in a glass.  Few metaphors capture the truth of Unity as well as this one.  God is far greater than the ocean, but for simplicity’s sake, we can imagine that God is the ocean.  And we are each a drop of ocean water – longing to find our way back to the ocean.  Similarly, God is infinite love, and we are a drop of infinite love come forth.  All we have to do is recognized that like the drop of water, we come from and are part of something vast.  Eternal and unchanging.  May we find peace in the recognition of our unity with God and one another.

Recognize yourself in your brother and as the Buddha said, then whom can you hurt.  We can use this simple poem as a mantra when we’re having difficulty seeing clearly:

God is my all, I know no fear.  Since God and love and truth are here.

I am not suggesting that everything is God. That’s not possible, because God is so much greater and any one thing (or person). All mystics embrace this philosophy, also known as panentheism. The word attempts to reconcile pantheism and monotheism. Another translation of the concept is “all in God.” This is the good news and the truth that sets us free from worry and fear. When we’re free from worry and fear, we have no need for hatred, no need to demonize or set ourselves apart from others. We’re free to love and embrace all people and all circumstances just as they are.

What images or metaphors demonstrate the unity of all things for you? Share in the comments below or connect with me privately here.

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